Vega test
Based on the Vega test, I offer you advice and guidance on diet, natural medicine, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, herbs and homeopathy, which can stimulate the rebuilding of a healthy balance in body and psyche.
A Vega test can, among other things, show:
Vitamin or mineral deficiency
Food intolerances and food allergies
Organ states
Viruses, bacteria and fungal attacks
Poisonings and strains
Hormone balance
Metabolic balance
Vaccine status
Overall - the status of the body
The advantages of Vega Test:
A Vega test is a form of electroacupuncture used to identify imbalances in the body. With the help of a Vega test, you can get an in-depth understanding of the body's condition, which can lead to improved health and well-being in several ways.
What is a Vega test?
A Vega test involves the use of an electronic device that measures the body's electrical resistance at various points, often acupuncture points. These measurements can provide information on where there may be imbalances or dysfunctions in the body.
Benefits for the body
Identification of food intolerances: The Vega test can help identify foods to which the body reacts negatively. Eliminating these foods can reduce inflammation and improve digestion.
Detection of allergies: The test can also reveal allergies that may be responsible for symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, skin problems and other allergic reactions.
Detection of toxins and heavy metals: The Vega test can detect the presence of toxins and heavy metals in the body, which can negatively affect health. By identifying these, steps can be taken to detoxify the body.
Optimizing nutritional supplements: The test can provide guidance on which vitamins and minerals your body lacks, so that you can adapt your diet and nutritional supplements to optimize your health.
Benefits for the psyche
Stress reduction: By identifying and treating imbalances in the body, the Vega test can reduce physical stress, which often has a positive effect on mental well-being.
Better sleep: Many who have undergone a Vega test and subsequent treatment experience improved sleep quality, which is essential for mental clarity and emotional balance.
Improved mood and energy: When the body is in balance, many people experience an increase in energy levels and an improvement in mood, which can lead to a more positive and productive everyday life.
Increased self-awareness: Understanding the body's specific needs can provide a deeper insight into how to best take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. This can lead to a greater sense of control and empowerment.
Overall well-being
A Vega test can be a powerful tool in the pursuit of holistic health. By revealing underlying imbalances and providing concrete guidance for improvement, the Vega test can contribute to a more harmonious and healthy state, where both body and psyche thrive.

Biopatiens Historie.
Biopatiens historie er tæt knyttet til udviklingen af naturlige helbredelsesmetoder og holistisk medicin. Biopati, som en metode, blev udviklet i slutningen af det 20. århundrede i Danmark af den danske naturopath Kurt Winberg. Hans vision var at skabe en helhedsorienteret tilgang til sundhed, der kombinerede det bedste fra forskellige naturmedicinske traditioner, herunder ernæringsterapi, urtemedicin, homøopati og zoneterapi.
Rødderne i Naturopati og Homøopati
Biopatien har sine rødder i ældre traditioner som naturopati og homøopati, der begge har rødder i 1800-tallets Europa. Naturopati, udviklet af tyske læger, er baseret på principperne om at støtte kroppens naturlige helbredende evner gennem kost, livsstil og naturlige midler. Homøopati, udviklet af Samuel Hahnemann, er en terapeutisk metode baseret på princippet om "similia similibus curentur" eller "lighedens princip", hvor små doser af et stof bruges til at stimulere kroppens helingsprocesser.
Biopatiens Udvikling
I 1980'erne begyndte Kurt Winberg at systematisere sin viden og erfaringer i en samlet behandlingsform, der blev kendt som biopati. Han fokuserede på at forstå sygdom som en helhedsorienteret ubalance i kroppen, snarere end blot at behandle symptomerne. Biopatien blev formet til en metode, der anvender en bred vifte af naturlige midler og teknikker for at genoprette kroppens balance og styrke immunforsvaret.
Udbredelse og Anvendelse
Biopati har vundet popularitet i Danmark og andre europæiske lande som en alternativ behandlingsform, der tilbyder et naturligt og skånsomt alternativ til konventionel medicin. Uddannelser i biopati er blevet etableret, og biopater arbejder i dag med en bred klientel, der søger naturlige og helhedsorienterede løsninger på sundhedsproblemer.
Biopatiens historie afspejler en fortsat søgen efter at forstå og helbrede mennesket som en helhed, både fysisk, mentalt og åndeligt.
Den fortsætter med at udvikle sig som en del af den voksende interesse for holistisk sundhed og naturlig medicin.

The Vega test was developed in the 70s by two German doctors Helmut Schimmel and Peder-Georg Rademacher, and it is used to uncover the body's various imbalances.
The Vega test is a further development of electroacupuncture and the machine is EU-approved and registered as a medical product in line with ultrasound scanners.
VEGA is also EN ISO 9001:2000 and EN 13485:2000 certified
The Vega test is based on measuring the skin resistance after stimulation of an acupuncture point.
The Vega test is a test that measures the body's ability to absorb nutrients and excrete waste products, and it measures whether the body is burdened with viruses, bacteria, toxins, heavy metals, fungi or psychological shock, stress or whether the body is affected by electromagnetism from mobile phones and electricity appliances.
Changes in the skin resistance occur when the nerve pathways produce an electrical skin reaction when an electrical frequency is sent through the connective tissue that does not function optimally.
The electrical frequency passes through the non-optimal area, which then gives an electrical response to the spinal cord and is returned via nerve pathways to the skin.
This means that a targeted electrical provocation of an unbalanced area in the body will create a change in the skin's resistance.