Clairvoyance - a historical overview.
"Intuitiv vejledning kan give dig en klarhed og indsigt, som kaster lys på vejen mod en mere balanceret og meningsfuld tilværelse."
Kit Breitenstein.
Som clairvoyant vejleder stiller jeg mig til rådighed for det reneste, kærligste og højeste gode, som kan give dig den allerbedste vejledning fra universet og dit eget højere selv.
En clairvoyant vejledning kan give dig:
Afklaring i livsområderne: Job, sjælspotentiale, livsformål, relationer, din personlige & spirituelle udvikling, generelle helbred og indsigt i din karmiske læring
Mulighed for at få svar på spørgsmål i forskelling livsområder som boligsituation, uddannelse og kærlighed.
Bevidsthed om ubevidste og bevidste traumer og blokeringer i din psykiske som fysiske krop.
Større bevidsthed om dit fulde potentiale, dit livsformål og din sjæleessens
Motivation til at udleve det liv, der stemmer overens med din sjæleessens
Indsigt i hidtil uopdagede sider, ressourcer og barriere, talenter, udfordringer og evner hos dig selv, som der kan arbejdes på
Værktøjer til at arbejde med dig selv.
Beskeder fra universets hjælpende hænder i form af guider, engle eller/og afdøde på den anden side

Under sessionen åbner jeg min bevidsthed for de indtryk og energier, der er til stede. Jeg oplever det gennem billeder, følelser, ord, sætninger, symboler og intuition. Jeg arbejder også med hjælp fra åndelige guider og engle energier.
Clairvoyance - a historical overview
Clairvoyance, which means "clear vision", refers to the ability to perceive information without the use of the traditional five senses. This form of inner vision or psychic perception has a long and diverse history that spans different cultures and time periods.
Ancient times
Ancient Greece: The oracles, like the famous Oracle of Delphi, were considered clairvoyant. They gave advice and predictions based on visions and insights they claimed to receive from the gods.
Egypt: In ancient Egypt, priests and priestesses were often considered clairvoyant. They performed rituals and ceremonies to receive messages from the dead or from the gods.
The Middle Ages
Europe: In medieval Europe, clairvoyance was often associated with witchcraft and sorcery. People who claimed to have clairvoyant abilities risked being accused of witchcraft and could be persecuted by the church.
Islamic World: In the Islamic world, sages and mystics such as the Sufis became known for their spiritual insight and ability to receive divine guidance through visions and dreams.
The Renaissance
Paranormal studies: Interest in clairvoyance grew in Renaissance Europe, where scientists and occultists such as Nostradamus became famous for their prophecies. Nostradamus's work was widely read and discussed and is still considered one of the best-known examples of historical clairvoyance.
19th and 20th century.
Spiritualism: In the 19th century, Spiritualism experienced significant growth, especially in the United States and Europe. Clairvoyance became a central part of spiritualism, and mediums experienced the ability to communicate with the dead and give messages to the living.
Psychic Research: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, scientific communities began to investigate clairvoyance. Organizations such as the Society for Psychical Research in Great Britain and the American Society for Psychical Research attempted to study and prove the existence of clairvoyant phenomena.
Modern times
Culture: Today, clairvoyance is a well-known part of culture, often portrayed in books, movies and TV series. Many modern clairvoyants offer their services online or through personal sessions.
Spirituality: Clairvoyance is also an integral part of many spiritual and holistic movements, where it is considered a path to personal insight and spiritual growth.
Clairvoyance has a rich and varied history that reflects people's interest in the unknown and the spiritual. From ancient oracles to modern clairvoyants, this ability has been a source of fascination, knowledge, wealth, health and debate throughout the ages.