Clairvoyant Guidance
"Alt er impuls - "fra din egen bevidsthed"
Citat: Jacob Nørkov Friis
"Vores sjæle kan ikke tvinges til at vokse, - men ligesom blomster kan vores åndelige selv næres, indtil den blomstrer og blomstrer".
Citat: Kit Breitenstein
As a clairvoyant medium, I always make myself available for the purest, most loving and highest good, so that you can receive the very best guidance from the universe that you need.
A clairvoyant guide will give you:
Clarification in the areas of life: Job, soul potential, life purpose, relationships, your personal & spiritual development, general health and insight into your karmic learning
Opportunity to get answers to questions in areas of life such as housing situation, education, love and finances
Awareness of unconscious and conscious traumas and blockages in your mental and physical body, i.a. via a "body scan" purely clairvoyant
Greater awareness of your full potential, your life purpose and your soul essence
Motivation to live the life that aligns with your soul essence
Insight into hitherto undiscovered sides, resources and barriers, talents, challenges and abilities in yourself that can be worked on
Tools to work with yourself so that you can get answers to questions in all of life's big and small questions yourself
Messages from the helping hands of the universe in the form of guides, angels or/and the deceased on the other side